Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Copenhagen: Classes, Churches, and Christiania

It’s almost the end of my third week here, and classes are starting to get busier!  Next week we have Core Course Week, where we just focus on one class and travel to Western Denmark.  My core course is A Sense of Place in European Literature, and we go to the island of Fanø.  We got the itinerary today, and it should be an interesting experience (although a little rural for my tastes I think).

On Tuesday, we had a movie night for criminology, where we watched the movie R.  It was fairly depressing, as it focused primarily on two characters in Danish prison who got caught up in gangs and the prison drug trade, with some unfortunate endings for them.  Afterwards, our professor brought in the screenplay consultant and one of the main actors.  The screenplay consultant had been to prison ten times, evidently for low level assault, so his stories and opinions on the criminal justice system were fascinating.  He advocated for creating working education programs in the prison to help prevent some of the impressionable youths from ending up in a life of crime.  I also learned far more about the prison drug smuggling techniques than I ever wanted to know….

 I had another class activity Wednesday morning.  My Hans Christian Andersen class went on a walking tour of Copenhagen.  Unfortunately, we didn’t go to the really relevant spots like the Little Mermaid and his grave, but we walked around the city center and our teacher pointed out some spots where the buildings were the same as they had been during the early 1800s.  At the end, we saw the oldest building in Copenhagen and went in a beautiful church that was somehow affiliated with Copenhagen University, I think.  It was a good day for a walking tour, since the sun was actually out!

After the tour, I went to lunch at a café and then met up with some other friends.  We headed to the Church of Our Savior, which you might remember I climbed about two weeks ago.  They climbed the spire while I checked out the lower part of the church.  Again, lovely sculptures, as you can see above.

We headed over to Christiania next.  This is Copenhagen’s hippie commune, where basically it’s fenced off and relatively separate from the city.  They have their own laws, and people basically construct their own houses and live where they want.  One street, called Pusher Street, is where people who live there can sell marijuana and hash.  As I’m sure you could guess, they’re not really big on pictures, so I don’t have any to show.  Main takeaways: it was a lot bigger than I would expect for a hippie commune, I’m impressed when people are that good at using spray paint to create art, and it’s somewhat surprising that the Danish government doesn’t really interfere with the sales of drugs there.  I’m going back with my Danish class later in the semester for a guided tour, and I might try to buy a pair of the earrings one guy was selling there because they were really cool.

The picture of the view from that pretty glass building is at the Black Diamond Library, which is a decently long walk from class but is also gorgeous.  I’m not usually the type to study in libraries but I’m pretty sure I would make an exception to go to this one.

I tried to post this last night, but our internet in the kollegium died.  I’m very glad they fixed it, because the lack of ability to do homework, search things when I wanted, and communicate with anyone was fairly frustrating.  Hopefully this isn’t a regular issue…

Danish word: smørrebrød (pronounced smur brull) is an open faced sandwich that usually has herring of many varieties or other fish.  Apparently smoked eel is a delicacy on this.  Not my kind of food but we discussed it at length in Danish class today.

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Copenhagen: When in Lyngby

Yesterday I spent some time in the Copenhagen suburbs with my friend Sarah!  We met up in Lyngby.  They were having a festival, so some of the streets were closed and there was live music as well.  We went out to brunch at a Danish place, where they gave us a menu in Danish and we did our best to translate.  We ended up splitting the vegetarian brunch.  Main takeaway from that: when the Danes say “American pancakes” it’s definitely not the same.  The pancake was quite good though.  Afterwards, we walked around the world’s most confusing mall, because apparently in Denmark they design malls to look like labyrinths.  We stopped by Paradis to get ice cream (it’s funny because “is” in Danish means ice cream) and then headed to Sarah’s host family’s house.

They have a lovely house.  It’s a lot smaller than a typical American family home, only on one story.  There are a lot of windows in the main living areas so it looks light and airy, and most of their furniture appears to be straight out of an IKEA catalogue.  Her family wasn’t there for long, as they were going out to dinner with one of their friends, so Sarah and I just hung out at their house for a while and made dinner together, which was nice.

I’ve also successfully done laundry, gone to a club in Copenhagen, and turned in my first writing assignment for class.  This week, classes will actually start to get busier, because our field studies are starting up.  On Wednesday, I’ll be doing a Hans Christian Andersen-themed walking tour with one of my classes!

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Odense: Hans Christian Andersen and Missing My Train

The other day, in a moment of (almost unprecedented) spontaneity, I booked a train ticket to Odense since I didn’t have class today.  This is the third largest city in Denmark (read: not actually a large city), and its claim to fame is that it’s the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen.  (side note: I find it amusing that they’re capitalizing on this fact when HCA left there some time in his early teens and almost starved on the streets of Copenhagen to avoid going back)

My journey did not start exactly the way I had hoped, because I accidentally set my alarm for 6:50 p.m. instead of a.m.  Oops.  Luckily, with Danish train tickets, you only have to buy a new seat assignment instead of a full new ticket, so it was only $5-6.  And the trains here are incredibly nice.

Odense was more or less what I imagined when I thought of Europe.  It seems exactly like the kind of place that would produce one of the best known authors of fairy tales in the world.  Of course, at the time it did produce HCA, the town was fairly poor and was probably not this pretty.  Now, it’s idyllic and old fashioned.  I started out following the Hans Christian Andersen walking tour, and hit all the spots on that, including the museum and the childhood home.  It’s so strange to me that they have the belongings from him and his parents just sitting there.  I could have picked up the china if I wanted to.

Since I’m learning about HCA in class, it was pretty cool to see the places I read about in his autobiography.  Odense also has a lot of statues relatedto his tales, like the paper boat that’s mentioned in The Steadfast Tin Soldier (which, incidentally, was the inspiration for Toy Story).  I spent quite a bit of time in the park pictured above as well.  The rest of my time I spent walking around the city center.  Like Copenhagen’s Strøget, they had a pedestrian street running down the middle with many of the shops.  I ended up stopping for Danish ice cream, which was very rich but delicious.  Although, the whipped cream was a little too heavy/sweet for my tastes.

As Odense is not as catered to the international community as Copenhagen is, it was much more difficult for me, a non-Danish speaker.  English proficiency was still excellent, but whereas Copenhagen has many of the signs in English, Odense was entirely in Danish.  People seemed significantly more surprised when they spoke to me in Danish and I answered with a blank stare or an English response.  Sometimes, if I think I know what they’re asking, I just nod.  Looking forward to learning at least enough in my Danish class to avoid the total “deer-in-the-headlights” look.

Danish word for you: jordbær (pronounced your-bear).  Meaning strawberry.  This is a very important word for me, because strawberry flavor is usually safe for things like yogurt.  Also, strawberry whipped cream was also an option at the ice cream shop but I didn’t try it.

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Copenhagen: Grocery Shopping Is Confusing

Let’s talk about food.

Today marked my… fifth time at the grocery store, I think.  I initially was going to this pretty awful one, but now I’ve switched to the Føtex, which is much better, because at least in this case the foods are found in logical, non arbitrary locations.  Exception, of course, being the third picture where alcohol is apparently considered “Chips and Snacks.”  The first several times I went were pretty rough, as I mostly wandered around the store, overwhelmed and disoriented, hoping that I might find something that looks like food to me.  At one point, I accidentally bought tortellini that had ham in it, which I gave to my roommate.

Today, however, was the most successful experience I’ve had at the grocery store yet.  After asking an employee (who had to go check with someone else), I learned that “havre” means oats, which meant that I found normal Cheerios!  And, better yet, I actually managed to pay for my groceries without the cashier realizing I was an American.  I now have most of the important staples, like bread, butter, apples, pasta, frozen pizza, and cereal.  What I really need to do is start getting up earlier and actually making time for breakfast, because getting through class without that is a huge struggle.  Overall, though, I’m managing.  Just finding frozen pizza was probably the best thing that’s happened to me with regards to food.

New Danish word of the day: fødselsdag (pronounced few-suls-day).  It means birthday, and is super fun to say.  In one of the sentences we practiced in Danish today: Jeg har fødselsdag i september.

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Copenhagen: One Week Observations

It’s hard to believe I’ve been here a week already!  I actually know my way around the city, have managed to not reveal my American status to people on the bus, and, most importantly, have not yet starved to death.

Today we did a scavenger hunt in our suburb of Brønshøj.  It’s not the nicest area in Copenhagen, but the houses are nice, and there are several pretty lakes around here as well.  I need to wander around a little more when I have free time, because until today I’d barely spent any time outside of our main road!  I also tried a chocolate cupcake from our local bakery.  America could learn a few things from their bakeries over here, because it was awesome.

A few thoughts on culture, now that I’ve been here enough to observe some of it:

1. Bikers are scary.  I worry more about them than cars.  Getting on and off the bus puts you right in the bike lane, which can be scary.  The whole infrastructure is designed so well, with the bike lanes kept separate from the street so they don’t have to worry about cars.  And, there is the added side effect that pretty much everyone in this country seems to be in awesome shape.  Just do everything possible to stay out of their way.

2.  Strangers don’t talk to you on the street.  After a summer of random people trying to engage me in conversation in Denver, it’s incredibly refreshing that in a week of walking around here, I have not been asked for money once, and my only interactions on the street have been to ask for (or give!) directions.  Actually, one person did come up to my group of friends on Strøget, from UNICEF.  But, he simply told us about their mission and told us to have a good day instead of trying to pressure us to give money to their organization.  Pretty much the entire time he was talking I was waiting for him to tell us we should donate, but it never happened.  Thank you, Danish UNICEF, for not being obnoxious to everyone and simply talking about the good work you do.

3. There are a lot of flower shops here.  I guess people must buy a lot more flowers here than they do in the US.

That’s all I have for now.  Tomorrow begins the first full week of classes.  Although “full week” might be a stretch…Not having work or any of my normal extracurriculars means I have SO MUCH free time that I’m not used to.  It’ll be nice to have more chances to explore.

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Copenhagen: Exploring and Grocery Shopping

After our morning orientation sessions on DIS and the kollegium, I spent the free afternoon wandering through Copenhagen with some friends from my kollegium.  We mostly just walked towards pretty buildings and went down Strøget, which is a pedestrian street full of shops.  Although I didn’t buy anything, it was good practice in mentally converting kroner to dollars.

It rains about five times a day here with no warning and will stop just as suddenly.  It might even be weirder than Colorado.  I’ll definitely need to  start carrying an umbrella regularly.

Today also marks the first day I went grocery shopping.  It was incredibly overwhelming, because I don’t know what any of the food labels say.  Instructions for things are in Danish and Swedish, I’m not sure if what I bought is actually tomato sauce, and apparently the yogurt comes in cartons so people often get that instead of milk by accident…. We’ll see how well I manage to keep myself fed.

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Study Abroad: My First International Flight

I was going to write a blog post from the airport in Toronto, but the wifi was absolutely awful.  Now, though, I’m writing from my kollegium in Copenhagen!

Turned out Chris was flying into Denver at almost exactly the same time I was flying out, so he came to visit me at my gate, which was nice.

My next stop, Toronto, might have been the nicest airport I’ve ever been to, despite the terrible internet situation.  About half the stores sold designer purses and expensive items like that, and all of the chairs have iPads in front of them, which are hooked up to the nearby restaurants so you can order food and drinks.  Also, the sign in the store where I bought food was a little….stereotypically Canadian?

After the six hour layover there, I had my flight to Copenhagen, which was incredibly long.  I befriended a Canadian couple on the plane who were coming to Europe for a Scandinavian cruise.  My bag wasn’t lost and we were only half an hour late to arrive, so I consider it a success.

After arriving at the airport, we were transported to our housing (which, as you may recall from the last post, is a type of Danish dorm called a kollegium).  It seems nice, and I’ll learn more about it tonight when we have an info meeting.  Mine is the striped bed.  Orientation starts tomorrow!

Denmark Europe Study Abroad

Study Abroad: I Have A Place To Live

(Image from DIS)

I have my passport back from the Russian consulate, I’m mostly packed, and I only have about 9 days left until I leave!

I got information about housing today.  I’m living in a kollegium, which is basically the Danish version of a dorm.  The best part, however, is that I have a kitchenette in my room, so I can control what I’m eating and not have to worry about being on a meal plan or anything.  Mine is called Hoffmanns Minde Kollegiet, pictured above, and it’s in the suburb of Brønshøj.  It only has about 100 people total.  Half will be DIS students, and the other half will be Danish and international students.  According to google maps, it’s about 30-40 minutes by bus ride, or about 25 minutes if I get a bike.  Still deciding if I want to get a bike…. I’m not usually a very outdoorsy person.  We’ll see.

In other news, I’ve been in contact with my German relatives, who we lost contact with some 30+ years ago.  I felt somewhat creepy, emailing them out of the blue and telling them we were related, but they were incredibly nice and said that I was welcome to stay with them.  So, I will be flying into Munich and spending time with them in the small German town of Weißenhorn for a couple days this fall!


Study Abroad

Study Abroad: The Countdown Begins

In less than 6 weeks, I will be flying to another continent to start my semester in Copenhagen!

It’s a bit scary, because my passport is still in San Francisco with the Russian consulate and I’ve barely started packing.  Also, for my first time in Europe, it’s a little intimidating to imagine living in a country where I don’t speak the language.  I need to spend more time working on some basic Danish phrases so I’m not totally unprepared when I get there and have to buy groceries and other necessary things.  For now, though, it’s time to enjoy my last month and a half of summer break in the United States!

Study Abroad

Study Abroad: I’m Even Excited About Paperwork

I got an email today about starting the paperwork for my Russian visa!  Even though I still have about four months until I leave, the visa process will actually require me to be without a passport for some time so it has to be completely done before I leave for Denmark.  Luckily, DIS is going to help me through all the steps.  And despite the extra paperwork, it’s totally worth it to be able to spend a week in St. Petersburg!