About Me

In Russia circa 2014

This blog started as a way to document my study abroad experience, and it used to be located at erintravelseurope.tumblr.com.  Then one day, I realized I wanted to keep blogging about travel, and Europe isn’t the only place I’m going.  So this is my site now.

Anyway.  I’m a legal analyst who likes reading, ballet, color-coded spreadsheets, and Broadway musicals.  And traveling, of course.  Here’s where I’ve been:

When I was younger, my family and I used to do a lot of road trips. We would go to national parks and historic monuments. The United States is vast and diverse, and there are many beautiful places. Plenty of places that are boring too. I would like to note that the “amber waves of grain” are overrated, having driven through them a number of times. I haven’t blogged about most of these places, because we went when I was young, or they were trips for mock trial tournaments. Some of my favorite places, in no particular order: Crater Lake (OR), Chicago (IL), Grand Canyon (AZ), Custer’s Last Stand (MT), San Francisco (CA), Carlsbad Caverns (NM), the Rocky Mountains (CO), Washington DC, the White Sand Dunes (NM), the coastline of Maine, Mesa Verde (CO), Boston’s North End (MA), and Lake Powell (UT/AZ). I’m so excited to be down to my last 7 states!

The first time I went to Europe was during study abroad, when I lived in Copenhagen for four months.  I also lived in France for two months while completing a research project.  I love so many places in Europe, and I have so many cities and historical sites that I still want to come back and see. I’m trying to visit all the countries in Europe, and I’m over halfway now!

Slowly working my way through the rest of the world! I’ve still got so many places I want to see. I have a lot of fun travel coming up!